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  • Writer's pictureThe Wandering Biker

Part 6: Getting Schooled!!!

Updated: Aug 17, 2018

Part 6: I'm Getting Schooled #NomadInfo So,I have been researching Nomad Living, also called, nomad life, van living, RV living, wayfarer, rover, transient, drifter, vagabond, displaced person, hobo, rambler, etc. Some of these terms are considered derogatory and some are not.

I have learned quite a bit, and by no means have any advanced knowledge on the subject, just enough to be dangerous to myself and others. :)

One definition:

A nomad is a person with no settled home, moving from place to place as a way of obtaining food, finding pasture for livestock, or otherwise making a living. The word Nomad comes from a Greek word that means one who wanders for pasture. Most nomadic groups follow a fixed annual or seasonal pattern of movements and settlements. Nomadic peoples traditionally travel by animal or canoe or on foot.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Definition of nomad

1: a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory For centuries nomads have shepherded goats, sheep, and cattle across the … semiarid grasslands

2: an individual who roams about He lived like a nomad for a few

years after college, never holding a job in one place for very


nomad adjective nomadism nō-ˌma-ˌdi-zəm\noun

First known use: 1559

There seems to be quite a diversity of Nomad styles and how they apply their lives to the basic meaning and intent.

Just to name a few:

Back Pack Nomads (Just what they can cary)

Tent Nomads(Could be backpacker or tiny vehicle)

Micro Trailer Nomads (Usually towed with a small vehicle)

Tiny Home Nomads (Pulled with a much larger vehicle)

Travel Trailer Nomads (Heavy duty vehicle for pulling)

Toy Hauler Nomads (Heavy duty vehicle for pulling)

Luxury Nomads (pulled with 3500 series or 18 wheeler Semi-Truck)

Some want a home away from home, while others just need a blanket of stars over their heads and almost every other conceivable level of comfort in between.

The basic living rules still need to be maintained no matter what level of comfort you need. A few primary accessories, a few small luxuries, and the vision and energy to get out there and live your dream.

My level of comfort has changed a few times... started out as more like home setup, but has regressed down to what I need, not what I want. I need room for my equipment, I need room for my materials, I need a Murphy table to work on and I need the basics of living. I don't need leather couches, slide-outs, and all the amenities of a sticks and bricks home.

It's up to each individual to determine what their level of comfort is and how to achieve it. There are many factors to meet your goal and the only way to find out what it is, is to get out there and find YOUR American Dream!!!!

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